Telegram CEO Pavel Durov insists “little has changed” in the app’s privacy policies since his arrest
Telegram Chief Executive Pavel Durov said his messaging service has been handing over user data to authorities for years to […]
Telegram Chief Executive Pavel Durov said his messaging service has been handing over user data to authorities for years to […]
Sam Altman’s OpenAI raised $6.6 billion in a new fundraising round that nearly doubled its valuation to $157 billion —
Two men defrauded Apple by tricking the company into sending them thousands of iPhones worth $2.5 million asking them to
The much-hyped takeover of artificial intelligence in the U.S. job market is likely overblown — and could hurt the bottom
This malware is every stalker’s dream. Two Harvard students developed a program for Ray-Ban’s Meta smart glasses that can be
Top executives at former President Donald Trump’s media company have reportedly been forced out of their jobs in retaliation for
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Saturday that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or “we
The Super Mario 64 community is in disbelief after a new record was set. Bubzia, a “Super Mario 64” speed